Saturday, December 15, 2007
Family photos of everyone together

Happy 4th Birthday Drew!
I can't believe our little man is four now - and NOT so little anymore!
We love you so much buddy!!!!
Christmas Card photo shoot [over two days - :)]

Carter's Christmas Card Picture
Drew's Christmas Card Picture
Drew and Carter being sweet!
This was one of our top choices for the Christmas card, but in the end we went with the individual close ups. If you receive a card from us, you'll see this photo on the return address label though!
The first snowfall
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Another photo shoot
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Sister Love
Some very special Thanks!!
We'd like to extend a very special thank you to Nicole, her husband, and her beautiful triplet girls, in New York, for giving us 43 bottles of Neosure formula!!! This will last us about two weeks and would have cost us over $300!!!! Thank you so much Nicole and family!!!
Thank to my Baby Center friends (who are NOT imaginary!!) : especially Jana, Krista, and Kim for giving us formula, clothes and lots of other baby stuff! And many others who have passed on coupons too!
We'd also like to thank everyone who has prepared meals for us since the babies have arrived. It has been a HUGE help to not have to worry about making dinner for so many nights. Thank you to: Bob and Joanne (Grandmom and Grandpop), Paul and Trish Goodman, Megan and Nick, Andrea Cundiff, some the staff of the After 3 program: Miss Barb, Cheryl , Ashley, Jenn, Dora, Paula, and Charlotte, and some of the Tall Pines staffers. Everything has been delicious!
An extra special thank you to Aunt Sue, who gave me the most beautiful gold and pearl three peas in a pod necklace. I love it!!
And to Judy (MomMom), who has made it possible to continue to have our Mommy's helpers come over to play with Drew 3 days a week.
We couldn't do this without you all and all of our other family and friends, we love you!!
(My apologies to anyone I might have missed.) Babies really do suck your brain cells! :)
Aimee and Gee-off
All smiles!!