To my hubby, the best Dad ever!!
I am so thankful everyday, but especially today, that you are my husband and the father of our children!
Not just anyone could do what you do. You do it all, and you're really good at it too! You have always changed diapers, rocked screaming babies, got up in the middle of the night even though you had to go to work in the morning, made formula, laundry, dishes, food shopping, making dinner, I could really go on and on, but I don't want to brag. (Too much!)
You are the best provider. You work so hard to make it possible for me to stay home with the kids, and possibly for longer than we had ever expected. For those who don't know, not only does he teach 6th grade Math - a job that would kill most men on a good day - he also works for the afterschool program 5 days a week. He doesn't get to take off for the summer either. He is a camp counselor from June - August and has been for the past 13 years. And in the past year, he has developed his own business -providing workshops for afterschool programs and camps on how to use positive discipline. I know, you're tired just reading all that! ;)
It fills my heart to see how you interact with the kids everyday. They know how much you love them because you make time to play with them everyday, and you tell them you love them everyday.
And you still find time to show me you love me too. It's not just the gifts (like the Canon Rebel DSLR camera I just got for no reason at all, and the three stone diamond anniversary ring you got for me early), but those times when you can just tell I need some words of comfort or encouragement or a big hug and kiss after a trying day.
Your love is truly the best gift I have ever gotten.
I love you.