Mommy and Daddy with Brenna - All ready to go home!!
Brenna kisses Emily goodbye!
Brenna kisses Carter goodbye!
Mommy and Brenna get a ride to the car.
Bye-bye NICU!
The babies all have to meet certain criteria before they can be released from the NICU. These include; maintaining their oxygen levels and heart rates in the safe range, taking 8 complete feeds per day by mouth, and passing the car seat test.
Once Brenna and Carter made it to 8 feeds, they both passed their car seat tests. Brenna went to ad-lib feedings first and Carter stayed at 8 feeds for a few days until he learned to eat a bit faster. Emily had been at 4 feeds per day for a few days and had some trouble remembering to suck, swallow, and breathe at the same time. So the doctor had Emily take all of her feeds through the feeding tube for a few days so she could have a rest.
On Wednesday night, after 19 days in the NICU, Brenna got the green light to be discharged and come home! Carter and Emily will miss her, but we made sure she kissed them goodbye before we left!!
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