Monday, April 26, 2010

He's a Model, Ya Know What I mean . . .

Here are just a few of many shots I took during our AMAZING weekend in LA!  What an experience, so much fun!  They kept the kids very busy and scheduled with modeling "work" and plenty of fun!!

For now . . . .

Saturday morning - meeting the Blue Penguin team members for the first time.  "Hellooooo, ladies!" ;)

Getting his hair fixed - and the photo shoot!

In between rooms at Milk studios, they posed in front of the red carpet banner

The final party red carpet outfit from Next - we got to keep it too!!!! :)

More pictures to come . . .


Sue said...

He definitely looks like a movie star to me.

Jennifer said...

aww that looks like so much fun... but the first one of him with the girls is the best!!

The Texas Trio said...

Sorry he didn't win. But just think of all the stuff that saved him from, child stars do not usually fair very well later in life:) Glad you all had a great time.

Have fun,
